Directed By: David Zayas Triumphant Pictures presents 1013, directed by David Zayas. Zayas, known for his work on Showtime’s “Dexter,” takes on a new project set in the gritty streets of New York in the early 90s. Written By: David Zayas In addition...
Hey folks, are you ready for the upcoming horror-thriller movie that will keep you on the edge of your seats? Directed by Kevin J. Nelson and produced by Cecil Chambers and Kate Bosworth, Speed Demon is a movie you definitely won’t want to miss. Directed By:...
JENNIFER FREEMAN, CHRISTIAN KEYES, DREAMDOLL, AND VICTORIA ROWELL STAR IN NEW CHRISTMAS FILM “BLENDED CHRISTMAS” Los Angeles, CA February 9, 2023 – Jennifer Freeman (BET+’s The Black Hamptons, Staycation), Christian Keyes (BET+’s All the Queen’s Men, Saints...
Filming on the survival thriller feature Bunker – not to be confused with Prime Video’s series based on the popular video game franchise – has officially wrapped in New Jersey. The Cast This Michael Miceli and Cecil Chambers film, which stars the...
There are always some movies that either grapple your heart, astonish you or keep you standing still till the end. The plot of the forthcoming film Fatimah and Marie will captivate you from the very first moment. This movie holds your attention as your mind is racing...
“Black Cats, White Mice,” a political thriller currently being developed by Triumphant Pictures, will enthrall viewers and keep them glued to their seats. A lot of crucial political corruption in Chicago’s and Illinois’s history has been...